Sunday, August 12, 2012

ALERT! Sunsara Taylor arrested at St. Patrick's Cathedral. DROP THE CHARGES!

Aug 12, 2012 New York City:  Sunday morning a message was delivered at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, a historically right-wing, anti-birth control, anti-abortion, anti-queer and anti-woman stronghold of the Catholic Heirarchy.  Chants rang out: "Abortion on demand and without apology!"  "Forced motherhood is female enslavement!"  “Stop the war on women!"

Sunsara Taylor, initiator of End Porn and Patriarchy; the enslavement and degradation of women, and Alice Woodward, were arrested and held overnight in jail.

This action came at the end of 10 days of political protest in New York City, to Take Patriarchy by Storm.  The message that women are full human beings, not sexual objects for the pleasure of men, not breeders, and capable of equality in every sphere, was brought across the city: inside a Hooters restaurant, into porn shops, and a “crisis pregnancy” center.  Activists confronted the current political climate where people aren’t outraged by the subjugation of women.

Sunsara and Alice -- leaders in such a needed movement -- must be released now.  Drop the charges!

  • Write a statement to demand that charges be dropped. Send to and it will be delivered to court by defense attorneys to be noted to the judge.
  • Mon. Aug 13. 12 noon: Come to 100 Centre Street - outside courthouse.  Demand: Drop all charges against Sunsara and Alice. Join us!
  • Monday 7pm: Anti-Patriarchy Talent Show -
    Celebrating "Take Patriarchy By Storm!"  at Revolution Books - 146 W. 26th St. NYC (btw 6-7th Aves.)

    IF Sunsara and Alice are not released by 7pm on Monday: Anti-Patriarchy Talent Show will be held in front of 100 Centre Street. Call 212-691-3345 for updates.

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posted by Sunsara Taylor at 11:46 PM


Blogger Unknown said...

What an amazing job you are doing,standing up for what you believe in no matter the obstacles ahead...#GoodStuff

8/17/12, 9:50 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

What an amazing work you are doing,Standing up for what you believe in no matter the obstacles....i applaud you for that

8/17/12, 9:53 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

What an amazing work you are doing,Standing up for what you believe in no matter the obstacles....i applaud you for that

8/17/12, 9:53 AM


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