Fucking Baptist Kidnappers
All these Christian fundamentalists always claim to be so loving and family oriented and so cherishing of children. In reality they are sick, crazed, completely depraved human beings who want to both FORCE WOMEN TO HAVE BABIES AGAINST OUR WILL and then KIDNAP BABIES AT THEIR WILL in the name of "charity" and "love."
This week we have the Bible-quote wearing college football star Tim Tebow and Focus on the Family being allowed by CBS to spew their sentimental version of a fascist message of women's worth really being their ability to bear children. See my post below from yesterday for more on this.
And, we have the fucking Baptists who preyed upon the devastating and heart-rending disaster in Haiti to lie a bunch of desperate and destitute parents and then steal their children. Did you get that? STEAL THEIR CHILDREN? http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/03/world/americas/03orphans.html?hpw
Why is it that it is portrayed as an act of graciousness to adopt a child from a parent who can't provide for the child, rather than doing something to assist that parent in being able to keep and provide for their child? Even the "legitimate" adoptions of children -- the stories run of the first 53 who were air-lifted out of Haiti, whose adoptions were already underway before the earthquake -- even those adoptions included children of parents who were still alive and cared very much for their children, but gave them up because they couldn't provide a decent life for them.
Here is the voice of one of the parents who trusted her child to these fucking Baptists:“'I just wanted him to have more than I have,' Ms. Valmont said of her 6-year-old son, Darwin. 'What future can I give him here?'"
This whole thing is so totally unacceptable. It is time, as the subtitle of Bob Avakian's book Away With All Gods puts it, to "Unchain the Mind and Radically Change the World!"
Labels: abortion, adoption, Baptists, child trafficking, Christian fundamentalist, Haiti, orphans, pro-choice, religious hypocrisy

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