My new piece about BattleCry and their Holy War is up at Revolution Newspaper online: at you read them and came here, here's two excerpts from
Preaching from a Pulpit of Bones, We Need Morality, but Not Traditional Morality by
Bob Avakian worth thinking about:
Two Excerpts
"Preaching from a Pulpit of Bones
- We Need Morality But Not Traditional Morality"
Bob Avakian at the Wall of the Communards in Paris, 1981
by Bob Avakian
Revolution #019, October 23, 2005, posted at
"It is not surprising that, in the face of changes which tend to undermine or cause upheaval within [the prevailing capitalist] system--to say nothing of direct challenges to it--the ruling class of this society more aggressively asserts the authority of its `traditional morality’ along with sharpening and more ruthlessly wielding its swords of repression. Thus, it is not only William Bennett and other ‘Conservatives’ who are waging a holy crusade for ‘The Family’ and ‘Family Values,’ but they are joined and rivaled in this by the Democrats and ‘Liberals’ of the ruling class.
"The fact is, however, that in this crusade, and more generally these days, the ‘Conservatives’ have the initiative over the ‘Liberals.’ Why? There are a number of underlying factors: major geopolitical changes, in particular the disintegration of the Soviet bloc and the Soviet Union; changes in the world economy--involving the further internationalization of production and of speculative and other parasitic activity by capital--together with changes in the U.S. economy, including significant shifts in the composition of the work force away from ‘blue-collar’ jobs; and a huge increase in debt associated with the unprecedented U.S. military build-up during the 1980s (the cost of ‘winning the cold war’).
"So the waning of liberalism must be seen against a broad canvas. On the one hand, economic and social shifts--like ‘downsizing’ of industry and the decline of unions, suburbanization and the fracturing of the old-line urban political coalitions--have weakened the traditional social props of New Deal politics. On the other hand, intense global economic pressures and looming fiscal crisis are forcing drastic restructuring of government spending and social programs--this following years of restructuring in the private sector. This is an era of ‘lean and mean’ and ever more mobile capitalism. It is about cheapening production, depressing wages and benefit levels, and creating a more flexible and ‘disposable’ labor force. And it is about massively slashing New Deal/Great Society-type social spending--now decried as ‘unproductive cost burdens.’ (Wasn’t it the Democrat Clinton who coined the phrase, ‘end welfare as we know it’?) These and related factors have cut the ground from under the ‘New Deal consensus’ and the concessionary programs (‘war on poverty,’ etc.) which have been the basis for Democratic Party administration of capitalist rule in the U.S.
"At the same time, many of these same factors, together with the struggle waged by the women’s movement, have resulted in a situation where large numbers of women have not only the necessity but also the possibility of working outside the home. All this has been accompanied by a great deal of turmoil and upheaval, and one of its most important consequences has been that, from a number of angles and among various sectors of the population in the U.S., the basis of the traditional patriarchal family and the ‘traditional family values’ associated with it has been significantly eroded. And yet all these changes are taking place within the confines of the same system--on the same foundation of capitalist economic relations.
"This is potentially a very explosive contradiction, and in many aspects this explosiveness is already erupting....
"The polarization and bitter struggle around the right to abortion has been a concentrated expression of this. Clearly, the essence of the anti-abortion ‘movement’--which from its inception has been led and orchestrated from ‘on high’ (I am referring to the role of powerful ruling class figures, not the alleged inspiration from god)--has been to assert patriarchal control over women, including to insist on the defining role of women as breeders of children."
"The changes in the U.S. and in world economics and geopolitics have meant that millions of people on the bottom of American society, particularly those in the inner city ghettos and barrios, face the prospect of being more or less permanently ‘locked out’ of any meaningful, or gainful, employment--except in the ‘underground economy,’ centering largely around drugs, which has become a major economic factor and a major employer in every major urban area (and many smaller cities and towns and even rural areas as well).
"Here again, the need of the powers-that-be is to contain and maintain ultimate control over this situation--and over the masses of people on the bottom of society--and to erect and fortify barriers between them and other sections of society (‘the middle class’). This explains the continuing increase in funds and forces devoted to crime and punishment--the police and prisons, the wars against these masses in the name of ‘war on drugs’ and ‘war on crime’--on the one hand; and, on the other hand, the fact that these wars are never ‘won’ but are always ongoing.
"All this sets the framework and the ‘tone’ for ruling class politics in the U.S. It demands that the ‘leading edge’ of this be an aggressive, mean-spirited assault on those on the bottom of society and the slashing of concessions to them--a war on the poor in place of a supposed war against poverty--along with an equally aggressive and mean-spirited crusade to promote and enforce ‘old-fashioned values’ of patriarchy and patriotism as well as good old white chauvinism (racism).
"One after another, all kinds of ‘theories’ and ‘studies’--claiming to show that there are innate and unchangeable differences between races and genders and other groupings in society which explain why some have and really should have a privileged and dominant positions over others--are spread and legitimized throughout the mass media. This, it is claimed, provides the ‘scientific explanation’ for why programs that purport to overcome such inequalities are doomed to failure and must be gutted. What it actually provides further scientific proof of is the utter bankruptcy of a system and a ruling class that is abandoning even the pretense of overcoming profound inequalities and instead is inventing ‘profound reasons’ why they cannot be overcome. And in all this, while the ‘liberals’ have a role to play, the initiative belongs to the ‘conservatives.’ "
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